Since 2008, TCT has held both direct and indirect term contract agreements with numerous city, federal and state agencies. Under these contracts, our firm has provided cost estimating, value engineering and/or scheduling services for over $90 billion of construction. Our role under our term contracts is to:

TCT’s direct and indirect term contracts for cost estimating have included:

New York
Toscano Clements Taylor, LLC 1 Penn Plaza, Suite 4415
New York, NY 10119
917.388.3535 631.392.1399
Washington, DC
TCT Cost Consultants, LLC 1730 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 350
Washington, DC, 20006
202.315.8944 202.315.1915
New Jersey
Toscano Clements Taylor Cost Estimators, LLC 305 East High Street
Bound Brook, NJ 08805
732.627.0007 732.627.0017
Toscano Clements Taylor, LLC 400 East Pratt Street, #807C
Baltimore, MD 21202
202.315.8944 202.315.1915